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A customer reported with a horse that has 'navicular syndrome', or hoof pulley inflammation. In the past, the horse had therefore been put on eggbars by another blacksmith. Unfortunately, this did not do the process in the hoof any good and caused a lot of pain and discomfort for the animal. Jeroen released his experience and knowledge on the situation and noticed a sensitive and overloaded deep flexor tendon, reasonably sensitive heels and a thin sole that offered minimal protection to the hoof bone. The beam was also unhealthy. After removing the irons, the horse turned out to be a tone lander, which means that he relieves the heels and uses his hooves incorrectly. After this, a first covering took place, carefully looking at what could and could not be removed. This has started with the recovery of the hoof and its function, taking into account that the horse must be able to keep moving. Finally, Hoof Armor has been applied. Already after the first 20 meters after the first cover, the horse landed flat. In short, the horse dared and could already use his hoof better in a somewhat normal way. The expectation is that after the next cut, the horse can and dares to land on the heel. Because the horse does not have to work at the moment, Jeroen has chosen this approach. If that hadn't been the case, he would have opted for a breakover iron, laid as far back as possible, rounded the branches of the iron for a softer landing and applied a filler sole to activate the beam and heels. All in all, an expensive batter as an intermediate step to barefoot. Jeroen was able to skip this whole step because of the commitment, and effectiveness, of HoofArmor. Jeroen de Jong, farrier (FR)